When Artistry and Imagination Meet

Sharon Keisar Fiske is a pianist, voice artist and creator of spiritual-oriented interdisciplinary performances.
She is one of the founders of the Interdisciplinary Arts Center at Elisheva High School in Pardes Hanna, a program that developed artistic processes leading to regular interdisciplinary
performances combining music, dance, visual arts and photography.
Sharon is a performing musician whose original music developed after many years of searching for her unique, inner voice. Her performances combine piano, singing and vocalizations to
evoke an emotional and powerful experience for the listener. Her uplifting melodies, which combine a contemporary touch with a sound deeply rooted in technique and tradition, are an
invitation for all of us to connect with ourselves.
Her work draws heavily from the world of Jewish melody and mysticism, and her entire style is
influenced by years of studying yoga and meditation. Sharon is influenced by nature, dance, music, the world of movement and visual art.
“When I play, I feel connected to a being greater than myself,” she explains. “I feel like I’m like a channel and the music flows through me. Much of the music is without words that direct or limit,
creating an abstract image – and each listener can experience the music through their own unique lens.”
Sharon was born in Jerusalem and began playing the piano at the age of six. She completed six years of high school at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and is a graduate of the Rimon School
of Jazz and Contemporary Music in the performance department. She later continued her studies at the Amsterdam Conservatory.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in music education and a master’s degree in the interdisciplinary performance department from the Jerusalem Academy of Music.
In 2012, Sharon released her first album “Awakening,” recorded in Los Angeles.

Experience the Art of Soulful Musical Expression

Sharone Keisar Fiske combines musical artistry with soulful expression, creating transformative experiences through piano and voice services that inspire creativity and connection.

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Soulful Piano and Vocal Journeys

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188 Hood Avenue, Suite 302

725 Maple Street, Studio 5




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Expressive Voice Coaching to Inspire Transformation

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188 Hood Avenue, Suite 101

325 Maple Drive, Building 2

